Today I get my bike! Once again Mark and Darryl are resting so I head out on my own to get the bike. Mark asks me to make copies to the passport while I’m out so I take them with. On the way to the bike rental I find a copy store. Only 0.22 Euros for the copies…not to bad. I get my bike this time because I brought my passport and my credit card. I look up in the sky to see if my luck has followed me again today, it hasn’t it’s a clear blue sky. I hope on the bike and the first thing I do is find a grocery store, I buy some juice and yogurt, just what I can carry on the bike…I should probably go back and rent a basket. I get back to the apartment and decide to bring the bike inside rather than lock it to a pole outside. That doesn’t last long the old and mean Italian witch lady who lives below us in the apartment comes down the stairs barking at me in Italian, she continues to do so despite my blank stare, she must not realize I do not understand a word she is saying except it probably has something to do with my bike. I point at my bike and she continues to bark at me and point at the door, ok I get your point mean old Italian witch. She is probably in a bad mood from the other day when Darryl was trying to get outside and was pressing her buzzer over and over wondering why the door wasn’t opening…he still had a flight of stairs to go to get to the door to the street. Either way I humble her and take my bike outside and lock it to a street sign.
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